Friday, October 26, 2012

SQL Server 2008 data types: Datetime, string, user-defined and more

When you need to store a date or time value, SQL Server provides you with six data types. Knowing which type to use is important, because each date and time data type provides a slightly different level of accuracy, and that can make a huge difference when you're calculating exact times, as well as durations. Let's look at each in turn.
Datetime and Smalldatetime
The datetime and smalldatetime data types can store date and time data in a variety of formats; the difference is the range of values that each can store. Datetime can hold values from January 1, 1753, through December 31, 9999, and can be accurate to 3.33 milliseconds. In contrast, smalldatetime can store dates only from January 01, 1900, through June 6, 2079, and is accurate only to 1 minute. For storage, datetime requires 8 bytes, and smalldatetime needs only 4 bytes.
Date and Time
New in SQL Server 2008 are data types that split out the date portion and the time portion of a traditional date and time data type. Literally, as the names imply, these two data types account for either the date portion (month, day, and year), or the time portion (hours, minutes, seconds, and nanoseconds). Thus, if needed, you can store only one portion or the other in a column.
The range of valid values for the date data type are the same as for the datetime data type, meaning that date can hold values from January 1, 1753, through December 31, 9999. From a storage standpoint, date requires only 3 bytes of space, with a character length of 10.
The time data type holds values 00:00:00.0000000 through 23:59:59.9999999 and can hold from 8 characters (hh:mm:ss) to 16 characters (hh:mm:ss:nnnnnnn), where n represents fractional seconds. For example, 13:45:25.5 literally means that it is 1:45:25 and one-half second p.m. You can specify the scale of the time data type from 0 to 7 to designate how many digits you can use for fractional seconds. At its maximum, the time data type requires 5 bytes of storage.
Another new data type in SQL Server 2008 is the datetime2 data type. This is very similar to the original datetime data type, except that datetime2 incorporates the precision and scale options of the time data type. You can specify the scale from 0 to 7, depending on how you want to divide and store the seconds. Storage for this data type is fixed at 8 bytes, assuming a precision of 7.
The final SQL Server 2008 date and time data type addition is datetimeoffset. This is a standard date and time data type, similar to datetime2 (because it can store the precision). Additionally, datetimeoffset can store a plus or minus 14-hour offset. It is useful in applications where you want to store a date and a time along with a relative offset, such as when you're working with multiple time zones. The storage requirement for datetimeoffset is 10 bytes.
String Data Types
When it comes to storing string or character data, the choice and variations are complex. Whether you need to store a single letter or the entire text of War and Peace, SQL Server has a string data type for you. Fortunately, once you understand the difference between the available string data types, choosing the correct one is straightforward.
Char and Varchar
Char and varchar are probably the most used of the string data types. Each stores standard, non-Unicode text data. The differences between the two lie mostly in the storage of the data. In each case, you must specify a length when defining a column as char or varchar. The length sets the limit on the number of characters the column can hold.
Here's the kicker: The char data type always requires the same number of bytes for storage as you have specified for the length. If you have a char(20), it will always require 20 bytes of storage, even if you store only a 5-character word in the column. With a varchar, the storage is always the actual number of characters you have stored plus 2 bytes. So a varchar(20) with a 5-character word will take up 7 bytes, with the extra 2 bytes holding a size reference for SQL Server. Each type can have a length of as many as 8,000 characters.
When do you use one over the other? The rule of thumb is to use char when all the data will be close to the same length, and use varchar when the data will vary a great deal. Following this rule should make for optimum storage.
Another tip is to avoid using varchar for short columns. We have seen databases use varchar(2) columns, and the result is wasted space. Let's assume you have 100 rows in your table and the table contains a varchar(2) column. Assuming all the columns are NULL, you still need to store the 2 bytes of overhead, so without storing any data you have already taken up as much space as you would using char(2).
One other special function of varchar is the max length option. When you specify max as the length, your varchar column can store as much as 2^31–1 bytes of data, which is about 2 trillion bytes, or approximately 2GB of string data. If you don't think that's a lot, open your favorite text editor and start typing until you reach a 2GB file. Go on, we'll wait. It's a lot of information to cram into a single column. Varchar(max) was added to SQL Server in the 2005 release and was meant to replace the text data type from previous versions of SQL Server.
Nchar and Nvarchar
The nchar and nvarchar data types work in much the same way as the char and varchar data types, except that the n versions store Unicode data. Unicode is most often used when you need to store non-English language strings that require special characters such as the Greek letter beta (_). Because Unicode data is a bit more complex, it requires 2 bytes for each character, and thus an nchar requires double the length in bytes for storage, and nvarchar requires double the actual number of characters plus the obligatory 2 bytes of overhead.
From our earlier discussion, recall that SQL Server stores tables in 8,060-byte pages. Well, a single column cannot span a page, so some simple math tells us that when using these Unicode data types, you will reach 8,000 bytes when you have a length of 4,000. In fact, that is the limit for the nchar and nvarchar data types. Again, you can specify nvarchar(max), which in SQL Server 2005 replaced the old ntext data type.
Binary and Varbinary
Binary and varbinary function in exactly the same way as char and varchar. The only difference is that these data types hold binary information such as files or images. As before, varbinary(max) replaces the old image data type. In addition, SQL Server 2008 allows you to specify the filestream attribute of a varbinary(max) column, which switches the storage of the BLOB. Instead of being stored as a separate file on the file system, it is stored in SQL Server pages on disk.
Text, Ntext, and Image
As mentioned earlier, the text, ntext, and image data types have been replaced with the max length functionality of varchar, nvarchar, and varbinary, respectively. However, if you are running on an older version or upgrading to SQL Server 2005 or SQL Server 2008, you may still need these data types. The text data type holds about 2GB of string data, and ntext holds about 1GB of Unicode string data. Image is a variable-length binary field and can hold any binary data, up to about 2GB. When using these data types, you must use certain functions to write, update, and read to the columns; you cannot just do a simple update. Keep in mind that these three data types have been replaced, and Microsoft will likely remove them from future releases of SQL Server.
Other Data Types
In addition to the standard numeric and string data types, SQL Server 2008 provides several other useful data types. These additional types allow you to store XML data, globally uniqueidentifiers (GUIDs), hierarchical identities, and spatial data types. There is also a new file storage data type that we'll talk about shortly.
A column defined as sql_variant can store most any data that can be stored in the other SQL Server data types. The only data you cannot put into a sql_variant are text, ntext, image, xml, timestamp, or the max length data types. Using sql_variant you can store various data types in the same column of a table. As you will read in Chapter 4, this is not the best practice from a modeling standpoint. That said, there are some good uses for sql_variant, such as building a staging table when you're loading less-thanperfect data from other sources. The storage requirement for a sql_variant depends on the type of data you put in the column.
This data type has a somewhat misleading name. In fact timestamp does not store any sort of time or date information. Instead, timestamp is a binary number that is automatically incremented each time an insert or update happens to a table containing the timestamp column. The counter for the timestamp column is stored for the entire database, and each table is allowed to have only a single timestamp column. In this way, you can tell in what order various operations have happened in your database, or you can implement row versioning.
We once used timestamp to archive a large database. Each night we would run a job to grab all the rows from all the tables where the timestamp was greater than the last row copied the night before. Timestamps require 8 bytes of storage, and remember, 8 bytes can add up fast if you add timestamps to all your tables.
The uniqueidentifier data type is probably one of the most interesting data types available, and it is the topic of much debate. Basically, a uniqueidentifier column holds a GUID—a string of 32 random characters in blocks separated by hyphens. For example, the following is a valid GUID:
Why would you use a uniqueidentifier column? First, when you generate a GUID, it will be a completely unique value and no other GUID in the world will share the same string. This means that you can use GUIDs as PKs on your tables if you will be moving data between databases. This technique prevents duplicate PKs when you actually copy data.
When you're using uniqueidentifier columns, keep in mind a couple of things. First, they are pretty big, requiring 16 bytes of storage. Second, unlike timestamps or identity columns (see the section on primary keys later in this chapter), a uniqueidentifier does not automatically have a new GUID assigned when data is inserted. You must use the NEWID function to generate a new GUID when you insert data. You can also make the default value for the column NEWID(). In this way, you need not specify anything for the uniqueidentifier column; SQL Server will insert the GUID for you.
The xml data type is a bit outside the scope of this book, but we'll say a few words about it. Using the xml data type, SQL Server can hold Extensible Markup Language (XML) data in a column. Additionally, you can bind an XML schema to the column to constrain the XML data being stored. Like the max data types, the xml data type is limited to 2GB of storage.
A table data type can store the result set of T-SQL statements for processing later. The data is stored in a similar fashion to the way an entire table is stored. It is important to note that the table data type cannot be used on columns; it can be used only in variables in T-SQL code. Programming in SQL Server is beyond the scope of this book, but the table data type plays an important role in user-defined functions, which we discuss shortly.
Table variables behave in the same way as base tables. They contain columns and can have check constraints, unique constraints, and primary keys. As with base tables, a table variable can be used in SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements. Like other local variables, table variables exist in the scope of the calling function and are cleaned up when the calling module finishes executing. To use table variables, you declare them like any other variable and provide a standard table definition to the declaration.
The hierarchyid data type is a system-provided data type that allows you to store hierarchical data, such as organizational data, project tasks, or file system– style data in a relational database table. Whenever you have selfreferencing data in a tiered format, hierarchyid allows you to store and query the data more efficiently. The actual data in a hierarchyid is represented as a series of slashes and numerical designations. This is a specialized data type and is used only in very specific instances.
Spatial Data Types
SQL Server 2008 also introduces the spatial data types for relational storage. The first of the two new data types is geometry, which allows you to store planar data about physical locations (distances, vectors, etc.). The other data type, geography, allows you to store round earth data such as latitude and longitude coordinates. Although this is oversimplifying, these data types allow you to store information that can help you determine the distance between locations and ways to navigate between them.
User-Defined Data Types
In addition to the data types we have described, SQL Server allows you to create user-defined data types. With user-defined data types, you can create standard columns for use in your tables. When defining userdefined data types, you still must use the standard data types that we have described here as a base. A user-defined data type is really a fixed definition of a data type, complete with length, precision, or scale as applicable.
For example, if you need to store phone numbers in various tables in your database, you can create a phone number data type. If you create the phone number data type as a varchar(25), then every column that you define as a phone number will be exactly the same, a varchar(25). As you recall from the discussion of domains in Chapter 2, user-defined data types are the physical implementation of domains in SQL Server. We highly recommend using user-defined data types for consistency, both during the initial development and later during possible additions to your data model.

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